How to Trade #UMI on PancakeSwap Exchange

PancakeSwap UMI/BNB Pool Address:

3 min readDec 25, 2021
  1. Go to Pancakeswap’s exchange page here.

2. Click Connect Wallet (top right-hand side).

Ensure you have selected the Binance Smart Chain Mainnet from Metamask.

3. Under the Swap section paste ensure you have sufficient BNB to trade. To acquire BNB it is advisable to send from Binance Exchange directly to your Metamask Wallet address.

4. Next you need to import UmiToken. To do so copy and paste the contract address into the select a token section, ensuring BNB is on the top.

Umi Contract Address: 0x9f4298f2893e756030515f7b0dc85065cfae674b

5. When the correct token address is added click “Import”. A second message will appear (see below), tick “I understand” and cick “Import” again to proceed.

Once UmiToken is added it will be possible to buy or swap Umi using BNB and a variety of other tokens.

6. Enter the number of BNB you wish to use to purchase UMI. Then a “Swap” button will be evident. Click that button to proceed with the exchange.

7. Lastly a pop up box showing the Gas Fees (similar to that below) will need to be confirmed in your wallet for the transaction to be processed.

7. Done! A box similar to that above will pop up and confirm the Swap has gone through. You can click “View on bscscan” to see your transaction details.

***Official $UMI Contract Addresses***

Umi Digital ($UMI) is a multichain token, that means it exists on multiblock chains. Beware of fake token contracts. Here is a list of all the official token contract Address for Umi Digital ($UMI) token.

$UMI (Ethereum) Token Contract Address


$UMI (Binance Smart Chain) Token Contract Address


$UMI (SORA Chain) Token Asset (Contract) Address


PancakeSwap UMI/BNB Pool Address:




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